Change the product into a brand (how to sell more with the packaging)

How important is the package to sell? What do you ask and what does the customer look for? Answering these questions is an important starting point for success in sales. For this reason it is important to make a sales-oriented package and to achieve this it is necessary to analyze the consumer’s purchasing habits.

But where to start?

The concept from which to start is that of the brand. Have you ever thought that the package could be your own brand? In fact, it’s the first thing your client sees, hears, touches. The first experience with your product. Packaging, packaging, must be the first tangible element of marketing that helps your company be perceived as different. As unique.
All this translates into packaging positioning. With this concept we mean all the strategies to create an effective positioning on the packaging, even before the product. It is essential in a market like today’s crowded and saturated in every sector, where it becomes increasingly difficult to value and distinguish your product from that of the competition. It’s about creating a package that transforms your brand into a brand.

Packaging positioning step by step. Packaging is an element that should not be underestimated when studying the strategy for your product. Remember that it is the first element that the consumer sees and experiences. But how to start creating your business strategy starting from the packaging? Just follow the simple rules of marketing.

1 – Competitor analysis

Studying competition is the first thing to do to understand what the market trends are. How are the others moving, what could be my differentiating element, then identify a different packaging from the others. When it comes to marketing, the same concepts that apply to the product and the company also apply to packaging.

2 – Work on the product

The characteristics of the product count. Sometimes it happens to be in front of a product of excellent quality but without differentiating elements, other times the product is really different but can not communicate properly. Here the professionalism of those who make the packaging must be able to focus the communication of the packaging on aspects of the product that make it different and influence the consumer in the final choice. So, study the product to find the most effective packaging, the one that enhances more the product itself.

3 – Analysis of the target

Analyze the choices, habits and preferences of the final customer. Speaking your own language and responding to your needs. This phase is fundamental, because even if the product is the same, two different types of packaging can affect two different types of customers (without changing the product). At this stage, packaging takes on great importance: always keep in mind that the packaging is the first thing the customer sees. It is the cause of the first impression that the customer makes of your product. And yes, customers judge products by the cover!

4 – Simplicity

Simplicity is the basis of every winning communication. Differentiate but make the message immediately understandable. One must understand on the fly, without explanation. When you develop your product, in marketing you create a message for that product. A message that identifies the product, its function and the problems it solves in the simplest way possible. At this stage, packaging is one of the elements that best express the product’s message, both visually and tactfully. The message of the product must first pass from the packaging and then from the product itself.

By developing these points, the consumer’s purchasing habits are identified. Not following them means losing sales, simply because your product and your packaging will not reach your customer correctly. Their effectiveness will be vain.
From the commitment and the analysis of the collected data depends the good outcome of the work, essential to understand how to differentiate the product without having to resort to price reductions as the only weapon.

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